Tuesday 28 February 2017

Laser Bird Deterrent - The Best Way To Overcome Birds Problems

Birds are beautiful creatures, but these species can sometimes create havoc in your surroundings. Controlling them is a task, and you can't stay vigilant on the spot to shoo away these birds the entire day. The best way to overcome this problem is by using laser bird deterrent.

laser bird deterrent

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Protect Your Home from Bird Droppings By Bird Shock Tape

Bird droppings on the wall of the building completely destroys the look of your home, it has become a huge nuisance for all the homeowners. Bird shock tape is an extremely flexible bird control deterrent used to prevent birds from landing, roosting or droppings on your buildings.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Why You Need to Hire Bird Control Service Provider?

Bird infestation can be difficult to control, if it is not removed at the outset. Their sounds and droppings are difficult to put up with. That's why you need the assistance of expert bird control services. Prompt Pest Control is the expert bird control service provider in India.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Pigeon Spikes - An Effective Detterent To Control Over Pigeons

Are you tired from shooing off pigeons over and over? Prompt Pest Control brings you effective stainless steel pigeon spikes that you can install on your roof edges which don't let the pigeons or other birds spoil your valuable properties and peace.

Friday 3 February 2017

Want to Keep Birds Away From Your Property? Use Propane Bird Cannon

Propane bird cannon is a completely non-violent solution to shoo off birds or other creatures from your properties. It is powered by propane or butane gas which does not harm any living environment or birds instead it just scares to keep them away.
Propane Bird Cannon

Best Buy Pigeon Control Products from Prompt Pest Control

It is very important to have proper pigeon control strategy. Prompt Pest Control offers Ultrason-X, an ultrasonic bird repeller device that resonates high frequency ultrasonic sound waves which are almost quite to humans but keep pigeons and other creatures away.