Tuesday 9 September 2014

Cost Effective pigeon repellent devices in India

Prompt Pest Control is a offering modern and effective pigeon repellent devices in India. nowadays, These repellents work on a simple principle by broadcasting natural sounds of the threatening calls made by pigeon predators and birds in distress.

Monday 8 September 2014

Types Of Pigeon Repellent Devices In India

Do you want to get rid of pigeons from your private property? In India, many urban and rural dwellers face this common problem. Like many birds, pigeons are also carriers of mites, ticks or fleas. Direct contact with their feces also can transmit many diseases to the humans. Pigeon droppings on your car or fence can damage the paint. The highly inflammable nesting materials used by the pigeons can also clog up vents and drains. So, you need to think of some good pigeon repellent ways.

Earlier, pigeon repellent India involved methods included poison, stuffed hawks and firearms. But, thanks to modern technology, you now have high tech, humane, and easy-to-operate pigeon repellent devices.

Some of the most popular ways to keep pigeons from landing on your property or car are as follows:

A. Bird Spike: These are very much effective and discourage the pigeons from landing. These use intimidating looking spikes, which remain attached to the 2feet in length strips. These spikes are available either in polycarbonate (unbreakable) or stainless steel. The former one costs less and ideal for you, if you are a city dweller. The stainless steel spikes can cause a problem with the electrical conductivity.

B. Bird Netting: If you are looking for a pigeon repellent for your barn, warehouse or similar structure, then you can install this. It comes in 1-1/8”, ¾” and 2” mesh sizes. The best quality netting is made of ISO 1806 (polyethylene) fabric. If you are looking for a mesh with longer durability, then it is better to go for the one that is flame resistant, water and rot proof, and U.V. stabilized. You can tie these nets directly to your overhead structures.

C. Sonic Repellent: This is the most modern and effective pigeon repellent available nowadays. These repellents work on a simple principle by broadcasting natural sounds of the threatening calls made by pigeon predators and birds in distress. This sonic sound makes the pigeon feel as if the predators are nearby, and thus they avoid the place to build their nest. These sonic sounds make the pigeons fly away instantly. The cost is quote affordable and maintaining is also quite easy.